X10 Colorado is located at Western Colorado University in
Gunnison, co
In addition to participating in multiple sessions of lacrosse amid the “Best view from a center circle in Colorado”, campers will learn from seasoned professionals and collegiate All-Americans.
Between lacrosse sessions boys and girls can cool off playing "slippy whiffy" or hone their ping pong and spike ball skills before heading to the evening talent show. Mid week campers get to ride the rapids of the Gunnison River all while enjoying the timeless beauty of the Rocky Mountains.
At X10 we're all about finding the balance and fun in life and lacrosse!
2025 Dates
July 21st - 25th
Boys & Girls Ages 10 - 14
* Wednesday afternoon white water rafting on the Gunnison River
Western Colorado College
Gunnison, CO
Sleep Away Camp - $1395
Day Camp - $750
*Day campers do not attend Friday, departure day.
X10 Colorado is located at Western Colorado University in Gunnison, CO, about 3 hours from Denver.
Situated in the middle of the Rocky Mountains, Gunnison offers tremendous boating, camping, fishing, and hiking. Check out Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park – An awe-inspiring canyon with many hikes and a scenic drive down to the river.
Campers will being utilizing Gates Soccer Park for lacrosse training. These five impeccable collegiate-sized fields are neatly cut and lined, a premier playing surface of blended bluegrass and fescue.
The view from Gates Soccer Park has been called the “Best view from a center circle in Colorado.”
With residence halls available for bunking and a full-service cafeteria, Colorado Mountain College is ideal for X10 Colorado Lacrosse Camp!
X10 has an athletic trainer from a major university on site at all times.
As we will be utilizing CMC there is medical staff on campus and the Glenwood Springs Valley View Medical Center is minutes down the road.
X10 Colorado is a co-ed camp limited to a total of 100 campers, with campers entering 5th through 10th grades.
Directors Chris and Casey Bocklet personally hire all X10 Adirondack staff. Male and female counselors are generally professional or collegiate players that Chris or Casey have either played with or coached.
Western Colorado University
1 Western Way
Gunnison, CO 81231
life at camp faqs
Campers stay in the Colorado Mountain College residence halls while at camp. There will be 3-4 campers to a room with 1-2 counselors within close proximity of each room.
Campers can add a “roommate request” when registering.
The food at X10 Colorado is nutritious and delicious – and there is plenty of variety at each meal so campers and staff always have lots of choices.
We have a vegetarian and salad bar available at every lunch and dinner and fruit is served at all meals. Any food allergies and dietary restrictions must be indicated in your health form but are addressed and accommodated as needed.
Due to the rigorous schedule of fun campers experience at camp, quantity and quality of food is crucial. Boys and girls have access to as much food at meal time as they'd like. X10 also has an afternoon and evening snack time.
Hydration is also essential to camper well being. There are water jugs on every field and frequent water breaks are taken throughout lacrosse sessions to maintain hydration.
While every day at X10 is unique and full of surprises, the days do follow a common structure. On a typical day, campers participate in three Lacrosse-specific periods and two activity periods.
The session allows plenty of time for lacrosse, and so we break up the program with special days, fun, and special events.
Here is the “typical,” daily schedule at X10 Colorado :
7:30am Wake-up
8:00am-9:00am Breakfast & Room Clean-up
9:00am-11:00am Lacrosse I - Skills
11:00am-12:00pm Activity I
12:00pm-12:30pm Lunch
12:30pm-1:30pm Room Time
1:30pm-3:00pm Activity II
3:00pm-5:00pm Lacrosse II - Tactics
5:00pm-6:00pm Dinner & Free Time
6:00pm-7:30pm Lacrosse III - Games
7:30pm-9:00pm Snack & Evening Activity
9:00pm-10:00pm Room Time, showers, lights out
Campers will enjoy exploring new activities, spending time with friends, building a well-rounded character and most importantly, having FUN!
White water Rafting on the Missouri River
Ultimate Frisbee
Talent Shows
Slip and Slide
Beach Volleyball
Wiffle Ball
Colorado Mountain College has plenty of indoor gymnasium space to continue with lacrosse training and daily activities.
Campers arrive between 10:00 and 11:00am on Monday and need to be picked up between 10:00 - 12:00pm on Friday, the last day of camp.
Day Campers arrive at 11:00am on Monday and 9:00am Tues, Wed, Thurs. Day Campers need to be picked up each evening at 7:30pm. Day campers do not attend Friday.