X10 new england
X10 New England is located at the Kent School in Kent, Connecticut, a 1200 acre co-ed campus bordering part of the
Appalachian trail & Housatonic river.
The Kent School was founded on the ideals of service, the importance of respecting others, and respecting one’s self, making it an excellent match for X10.
Between lacrosse sessions with collegiate and professional coaches, boys and girls can cool off at the campus pool or hone their box lacrosse skills before heading to the evening talent show. Mid-week campers will raft down the Housatonic followed by an evening campfire.
2025 Dates
August 5th - 8th
Boys and Girls 10 - 14
Wednesday river raft
Kent School
Kent, CT
Overnight Camp - $1,495
Day Camp - $750
Your X10 New England Directors
Mike Bocklet
Hailey Dobbins
X10 New England is located at the Kent School, a private co-ed preparatory school in Kent, CT.
Kent is located on the banks of the Housatonic River, roughly two hours northeast of NYC, right on the CT/NY border. Kent is quintessential New England, from its covered bridges to its farm stands, waterfalls and antique stores.
Kent’s extensive indoor and outdoor facilities include 13 playing fields including 2 turf fields, 8 outdoor tennis courts, a cross-country running course, the Magowan '23 Field House with 2 gymnasiums, fitness and weight facilities, a 25-yard six lane pool with two, 1-meter diving boards and electric timing, International squash courts, and an indoor tennis facility.
We will be using Mattison Auditorium for our evening activities including our team skits, dance competitions, a talent show and to present our All-X10 Leadership awards.
With residence dorms available for bunking campers can enjoy a close tight-knit experience and sleep easy with the safety of being door to door with our qualified staff.
Camper will also take advantage of the 1200 acre campus and environs which include the Appalachian Trail and mountains and the Housatonic River and Valley.
Any medical needs will be taken place at the Wellness Center.
The Kent dining hall is a full-service top-of-the-line buffet-style cafeteria where all campers will enjoy their meals & after can enjoy playing pool, air hockey, and ping pong.
A perfect environment and in a safe and friendly location Kent School makes for the ideal camper setting for X10 New England Lacrosse
X10 has an athletic trainer from a major university on-site at all times.
We will be utilizing the Health Center where there is medical staff on campus and Sharon Hospital is 4 minutes down the road.
X10 New England is a co-ed camp limited to a total of 150 campers, with campers entering 5th through 10th grades.
Director Mike Bocklet and Asst. Director Emily Bocklet personally hire all X10 New England staff. Counselors are generally male and female professional or collegiate players that the Bocklet’s have either played with or coached themselves or who come highly recommended by area lacrosse programs.
Kent School
1 Macedonia Rd,
Kent, CT 06757
Life at Camp faqs
Campers stay in the Kent School residence halls while at camp. There will be 2 campers to a room with 1-2 counselors within close proximity of each room.
Campers can add a “roommate request” when registering.
The food at X10 New England is nutritious and delicious – and there is plenty of variety at each meal so campers and staff always have lots of choices. The Kent School dining hall utilizes food from the surrounding farms such as milk, meats and vegatables.
We have a vegetarian and salad bar available at every lunch and dinner and fruit is served at all meals. Any food allergies and dietary restrictions must be indicated in your health form but are addressed and accommodated as needed. The Kent School is a peanut and tree nut free facility.
While every day at X10 is unique and full of surprises, the days do follow a common structure. On a typical day, campers participate in three Lacrosse-specific periods and two activity periods.
The session allows plenty of time for lacrosse, and so we break up the program with special days, fun, and special events.
Here is the “typical,” daily schedule at X10 New England:
7:30am Wake-up
8:00am-9:00am Breakfast & Room Clean-up
9:00am-11:00am Lacrosse I - Skills
11:00am-12:00pm Activity I
12:00pm-12:30pm Lunch
12:30pm-1:30pm Room Time
1:30pm-3:00pm Activity II
3:00pm-5:00pm Lacrosse II - Tactics
5:00pm-6:00pm Dinner & Free Time
6:00pm-7:30pm Lacrosse III - Games *Day Campers depart
7:30pm-9:00pm Snack & Evening Activity
9:00pm-10:00pm Room Time, showers, lights out
Campers will also enjoy exploring new activities, spending time with friends, building a well-rounded character, and most importantly, having FUN!
Rafting on the Housatonic River
Hiking on the Appalacian Trail
Capture the Flag
Talent Shows
Slip and Slide
Wiffle Ball
The above indoor facilities such as the 30,000 square foot Recreational Center provide ample space for lacrosse training and daily activities to go on as usual.
NE Overnight Campers arrive between 9:00 and 10:00am Tuesday and need to be picked up at 4:00pm on Friday, the last day of camp.
Day Campers arrive at 10:00am on Tuesday and 9:00am Wed, Thurs, Fri.